Thursday, April 9, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

Be Kind

This morning, after I got the kids all off to school, I sat on the couch with my youngest and promptly fell back asleep. That used to... Embarrass me that I needed more sleep. I know I don't post a lot on FB about my autoimmune disease, and a lot of people don't even know what an autoimmune disease is. For those who don't know, it's when your body is attacking itself. But there are MANY autoimmune diseases, mine is where my body attacks my salivary glands and lymph nodes, and I'm fatigued.a.lot. My mouth is getting drier, it's hard to eat without making sure I have a glass of water on hand(after a scary choking incident, I never forget anymore). I'm not saying any of this to make anyone feel sad for me, but it's so easy to judge people and think everything is perfect, especially when what they re struggling with is not visible to others. Be kind today, you never know what someone else is struggling with.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Make things happen

For a LONG time I was waiting for my life to change. I kept saying, it would get better when I got married, then it would get better when I had kids. THEN, it would get better when those kids were older. The problem wasn't with what was going on in my life, the problem was, I wasn't INTENTIONALLY creating the life I wanted. I was letting it happen to me. 


I found fitness coaching 18 months ago, and I have never been more sure of what I am meant to do.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

April Challenge Group

Are you ready for swim suit season? If not, and you want to feel comfortable in a swim suit and NOT wear shorts and t-shirts to the pool, join my next challenge group! I'd LOVE to have you join! Message me on FB for details!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ditch the scale

I'm serious. Get rid of the scale. Or, just quit weighing yourself every day. Did you know our weight naturally fluctuates up to 2 lbs daily?
Those 2 lbs used to drive me CRAZY.

I was recently told by a sister that she couldn't believe I weighed as much as I do. I'm 5'7, I weigh 147, and I am between a size 4 and 6. When I was in high school, I weighed the same. BUT, the big difference was my size. I was between a size 9 and 11. Weigh is on the scale does NOT matter, and I know it's SO hard to focus on that. What I work with people on is measurements. Measurements are SO much more accurate of fat loss than weight loss is. So, if you are working on losing weight. Focus on fat loss, take pictures, and take your measurements, and use those as a guide, not the scale.